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Our Services

Welcome to the Eagles Nest Balintawak. The name Eagles Nest represents the national bird of the Philippines which is one of the largest species of eagles in the world. Also, it represents the the original home and founding location of Balintawak Eskrima founded by Great Grandmaster Anciong Bacon in 1952. Guro Bell started Balintawak in late 1993 with GM Bobby Taboada. He continued his education and deeper understand by his main mentor and teacher the late GM Sam Buot, and has also been influenced by Rad Maningas of the Bacon-Buot system and recently mentored by Master Rino Balinado of NECOPA Balintawak.

Eagle's Nest Balintawak (ENB) is for the martial arts program or individual looking to learn a systemized and turn-key Filipino martial art that can improve your hand-eye coordination, increase your comfort level in the close quarter range of combat and develop reflexes and skill-sets to compliment and enhance your present level of knowledge.


We have 2 major learning series. First is the "Student Series". This is broken into 3 Levels, each level has multiple modules taking an average of a year to earn certification but this is based on average training of 2x per week and average ability to retain information.

*** NOTE: Certification time varies depending on comprehension, effort and ability to perform requirements.***


  • Level 1 Student: This is where everyone starts, students and instuctors!


  • Level 2 Student: You must complete and be certified as a Level 1 student to start Level 2.


  • Level 3 Student: You must have completed (01) Certified Feeder certification as well as Level 2 Student certification.


The "Instructor Series" is for those looking to teach and share and/or monitize the ENB system to your students. In addition, while growing your program this ensures the ENB program can grow and help students advance. Here is how it works for the instructors:


  • Level 1 - (01) Certified Feeder: While learning your Level 1 student content, you will also be able to learn how to teach. Within 3 months you can start sharing the ENB curriculum with your students and can become certified based on your ability to learn and proficiently to perform the Level 1 student curriculum & (01) Certified Feeder requirements. This is a mandatory program for those looking to run a program or a certified Level 2 Student.


  • Level 2 - (02) Certified Feeder: Once you become certified as a Level 1 Student and (01) Certified Feeder you will be qualified to teach the entire Level 1 Student curriculum. While learning your Level 2 Student curriculum you can choose to advance and level up your instructor status.


  • Level 3 - Qualified Coach: To become a Qualified Coach (QC) you must complete ALL 3 student levels and have been certified as a (02) Certified Feeder prior to to becoming a QC. This level of instructorship is a significant accomplishment within the ENB system.


  • Level 4 - Qualified Professor: This is the highest level of instructorship prior to becoming a master. Qualified Professors (QP) will hold senior leadership in the ENB system and are qualified to teach all prior levels. 

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Level 1 Student

This is your introduction to the Eagle's Nest Balintawak. Fundamentals,  strikes, blocks, defense and counters, footwork, body posture, body reflexes, basic use of the left hand, to basic defense to multiple style of attacks, fundamental boxing, introduction to defenses to the left hand, introduction to disarms, knowing the multiple tools of your weapon and some of its applications and so much more...

(01) Certified Feeder

The Level 1 Certified Feeder is a prerequisite for instructors looking to teach the ENB system in their martial arts facility. It is also a prerequisite for those looking to obtain a Level 2 Student certification. This course will give you the fundamentals to guide "Agak" your students. It will also refine and enhance your fundamentals with time practiced and becoming comfortable teaching the Level 1 Student curriculum yet not following patterns.

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Level 2 Student

In Level 2 you will be introduced to functional shadow fighting, intermediate use of the left hand, understand advanced footwork, application of the duo-dulo, introduction to the witik and its multiple applications, more efficient and effective use of clearing, understanding the use of the puño and the principle of 3 hands, thinking and applying a move ahead, application of locks, takedowns, and throws and concepts on how to take the lead and keep it and so much more...

(02) Certified Feeder

The Level 2 Certified Feeder also mirrors the Level 2 Student but also understands the nuances of feeding their students and assist in developing them to understand the intermediate levels of defense and all new material they will learn in level 2. In addition, the fundamentals of feeding must be shared to your students so they can also become a certified feeder. All of this while preparing your student to perform all the new and previous requirements in a organic/random non rote method. This process enhances your feeding ability and knowledge. 

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Level 3 Student

Your introduction to advanced concepts, drills and application with Iyahay in mind will be your focus. Introduction to the blade defensively and offensively, as well as understanding true finishing techniques regardless if it's a power blow or grappling technique. Knowing principles and concepts of other Balintawak lineages. In this level application is key therefore playtime/sparring is essential. Also how to make your Eagle's Nest Balintawak a complete system regardless of range and how to best make it compliment your present system.

Qualified Coach

A Qualified Coach has the ability to teach all 3 student levels. A Qualified Coach has an excellent grasp of the fundamentals, intermediate, and a basic conceptual idea and application of advance techniques offensively, and defensively. Understanding of the history, its lineages, styles and methods of applications while staying true to the concepts of the Eagle's Nest Balintawak. In addition, Inagak, Agak/Palakaw, and Iyahay should be known how to be practiced and taught. Understanding and applying proficiency in application of your Balintawak in a random format. A Qualified Coach should have an understanding of finishes, and disarms from the close quarter range and grappling range and can confidently produce students to a Level 3 Student and Level 2 Certified Feeder.

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Qualified Professor

A Qualified Professor has the ability to teach all 3 student levels and produce a Qualified Coach. A Qualified Professor has an excellent grasp of the fundamentals, intermediate, and  tangible application of advance techniques offensively, and defensively. An understanding of Balintawak history, and our ENB lineages. In addition, Inagak, Agak/Palakaw, and Iyahay should be known how to be practiced and taught. Understanding and applying proficiency in application of your Balintawak in a random format is a must! And a QP should ba able to engage in freeplay while executing excellent defensive and offensive skills including finishes, disarms, setups, and traps from the close quarter range and grappling range and can confidently produce students to a Qualified Coach and previous levels.

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